Profil Dosen
Dr.Eng.Ir Febrin Anas Ismail, M.T
Jenis Kelamin
Lektor Kepala
Teknik Sipil
IV/a - Pembina
Pendidikan Terakhir
#JenjangNamaJurusanTahun Lulus
1SD / SederajatSD N 781974
2SMP / SederajatSMP AMIR HAMZAH1977
3SMU / SederajatSMA N 4IPA1981
5S2Institut Teknologi BandungTeknik Sipil1991
6S3Yokohama National UniversityDepartment of Civil Engineering1997
#JudulTahunJenis/Hasil Karya Ilmiah~
1Study On The Behavior Of A Simple House Partially Retrofitted Using Ferrocement Layers Due To Earthquake Loads2023Energi
2Risk Perception Study Of The Coastal Community2023Multidisiplin & Lintas Sektor (kebencanaan, Biodiversitas, Stunting, Lingkungan, Sumber Daya Air, Iklim)
3Retrofitting Bangunan Tingkat Dua Menjadi Struktur Bangunan Aman Gempa2021Inovasi Sains
4Penyusunan Masterplan Geopark Ranah Minang Silokek Kabupaten Sijunjung2019Teknologi
5Penyusunan Masterplan Geopark Ranah Minang Silokek2019Teknologi
6Pembuatan Pedoman Kajian Cepat Kelayakan Struktur Bangunan Bertingkat Dua Terdampak Gempa Bumi2019Inovasi Sains
7Sistem Perkuatan Dinding Dalam Struktur Beton Bertulang Pada Daerah Rawan Bencana Gempa Bumi2018Environmental Engineering
8Kajian Cepat Kelayakan Struktur Bangunan Bertingkat Dua Terdampak Bencana Gempa Bumi2018Civil Engineering
9Analisa Struktur Bangunan Engineering Dan Non Engineering Pada Tanah Berpotensi Likuifikasi (studi Kasus Bangunan Rumah Masyarakat Dan Bangunan Publik Bertingkat Di Kota Padang)2014Civil Engineering
10The Framing Of Decision Making Support Systems On Increasing Community Resilience In Disaster Risk Reduction Efforts: A Conceptual ApproachDisaster Reduction Risk
11Studi Eksperimental Mengenai Prilaku Rumah Aman Gempa Dengan Perkuatan Lapisan Ferosemen (rag Unand) Terhadap Beban Gempa Melalui Pengujian Meja Getar2024Kebencanaan
12Kajian Kerentanan Bangunan Shelter Di Daerah Pesisir Pantai Terhadap Gempa Dan Tsunami (lanjutan)2024Produk Rekayasa Keteknikan
13Studi Eksperimen Tentang Performa/kinerja Rumah Masyarakat Di Pasaman Barat Dengan Perkuatan Lapisan Ferosemen Terhadap Beban Gempa2024Inovasi Teknologi Mitigasi Bencana
14Inovasi Dan Hilirisasi Rumah Aman Gempa Universitas Andalas (rag Unand) Dengan Menggunakan Ferrocement Layer Dalam Rangka Penyediaan Perumahan Subsidi Indonesia2024Inovasi Teknologi Mitigasi Bencana
#JudulTahunJenis Pengabdian
1Kajian Pengaruh Infrastruktur Jalan Terhadap Ekonomi Daerah Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai2022PROGRAM KEMITRAAN MASYARAKAT
2Penyusunan Siteplan Kawasan Ngarai Sianok Kota Bukittinggi2022PROGRAM KEMITRAAN MASYARAKAT
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Publikasi Scopus
#JudulNama JurnalVolumeHalamanTanggal Publikasi
1Seismic Damage Assessment And Retrofitting Of A Hospital Building In West Pasaman, IndonesiaInternational Journal of GEOMATE27122-1291 January 2024
2Analytical Study On Seismic Behavior Of Urm Hollow Brick Houses Retrofitted Using Ferrocement LayersInternational Journal of GEOMATE27130-1371 January 2024
3Experimental Investigation Of Hollow Brick Unreinforced Masonry Building Retrofitted By Ferrocement LayersInternational Journal of GEOMATE24117-1241 January 2023
4Study On The Behavior Of A Simple House Partially Retrofitted Using Ferrocement Layers Due To Earthquake LoadsInternational Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology13501-5131 January 2023
5The Pattern Of Material Supply Chain In Post-disaster Reconstruction: A Case Study In Indonesia's Disaster-prone AreaIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science1173-1 January 2023
6Failure Plane On Precast Block Retaining WallCivil and Environmental Engineering1986-941 June 2023
7Optimization Of Dimension Gravity Walls And Cantilever WallsAIP Conference Proceedings2599-15 June 2023
8Assessing Public Knowledge Of Earthquake-resistant Building Construction Can Help Increase Community Resilience: A Literature StudyAIP Conference Proceedings2599-15 June 2023
9Experimental Study On The Retrofitting Of Damaged Hollow Brick Masonry Houses Using A Ferrocement LayerInternational Journal of GEOMATE25254-2611 January 2023
10Non-engineering House Damage After The February 25th, 2022 West Pasaman EarthquakeIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science1244-1 January 2023
11Implementation Of A Quick Assessment Application Called Inarisk For Damaged Houses After The West Pasaman Earthquake (2022)IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science1244-1 January 2023
12Bearing Capacity Analysis Of Floating Foundation Model In Homogeneous Very Soft ClayCivil and Environmental Engineering19758-7711 December 2023
13Build Back Better And Stronger The 2022 Earthquake-damaged Houses In Talamau–pasaman Barat DistrictE3S Web of Conferences464-18 December 2023
14Rapid Assessment Of The Public Buildings After The February 25th, 2022 West Pasaman EarthquakeE3S Web of Conferences464-18 December 2023
15Optimal Cost Of Slope Stabilization With Retaining WallInternational Journal of GEOMATE2283-901 May 2022
16Optimum Height Of The Retaining Gravity WallIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science708-26 April 2021
17Slip Surface In A Clay-sand Mixture Slope Test Using Scaled Laboratory ModelsInternational Journal of GEOMATE2117-231 January 2021
18Structural Evaluation And Strengthening Strategy Of The Law Faculty Hall Building In Andalas University, Padang, IndonesiaInternational Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology111567-15731 January 2021
19The Framing Of Decision Making Support Systems On Increasing Community Resilience In Disaster Risk Reduction Efforts: A Conceptual ApproachE3S Web of Conferences331-13 December 2021
20Stability Analysis Of Concrete Block Retaining Wall Based On A Scaled LaboratoryE3S Web of Conferences331-13 December 2021
21A Simple Method For Strengthening The Brick Masonry Infilled In The Reinforced Concrete Frame StructureInternational Journal of GEOMATE18118-1231 January 2020
22Earthquake Safe Houses Training For Tsunami Preparedness In West SumatraInternational Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology-318-3241 January 2020
23Accessibilty Analysis Of Tsunami Evacuation Route To Self Supported Shelter In Sub-district Pasie Nan Tigo, Padang CityE3S Web of Conferences156-13 March 2020
24Optimum Structural Design Of Self-supported Shelter For Tsunami Evacuation In Padang CityE3S Web of Conferences156-13 March 2020
25PrefaceE3S Web of Conferences156-13 March 2020
26The Effect Of L-shaped Rc Shear Wall On Student Dormitory Building Of Andalas University, Padang-indonesiaInternational Journal of GEOMATE1970-761 January 2020
27A Simple And Safe Brick Masonry Infill Construction For High Seismic-prone AreaIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering933-28 September 2020
28Comparison Study On Damage Pattern Of Two Stories Building: Simulation Vs Field RecordInternational Journal of GEOMATE1837-421 January 2020
29Quick Assessment Procedures For Two Stories Building Based On Numerical Simulation ResultsInternational Journal of GEOMATE17105-1091 January 2019
30Experimental Study For Evaluating The Seismic Performance Of Rc Frame Structure With Partially Infilled By Brick MasonryInternational Journal of GEOMATE16189-1941 January 2019
31Seismic Retrofitting Analysis Using Concrete Jacketing And Shear Wall On Dental Hospital Building Of Andalas UniversityIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering602-6 September 2019
32Environmentally Friendly Foundation For The Sustainability Development Of Infrastructures In Swamp AreaIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering615-15 October 2019
33Ferrocement - Brick Sandwich Wall Applied To Non-engineered HousesInternational Journal of GEOMATE1447-511 January 2018
34The Effects Of Steel Fibers Extracted From Waste Tyre On Concrete Containing Palm Oil Fuel AshInternational Journal of GEOMATE14142-1481 January 2018
35Experimental Study On Masonry Building Strengthened With Ferrocement LayersInternational Journal of GEOMATE1484-901 January 2018
36On The Use Of A Simple Tuned Mass Damper Model For Reducing The Excessive Vibration Of Tsunami Evacuation Suspension FootbridgeMATEC Web of Conferences229-14 November 2018
37Plastered Wire-mesh Bandaged: An Effective Alternative Technique For Seismic Strengthening Of The Unconfined Brick Masonry Housing In Pariaman City, West Sumatera, IndonesiaInternational Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology81001-10081 October 2017
38Structural Evaluation Of Damaged Bri Branch Office Building At Jalan Khatib Sulaiman Padang Due To EarthquakeInternational Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology81170-11801 October 2017
39The Influence Of Steel Fibers Extracted From Waste Tyre On Properties Of Concrete Containing Fly AshInternational Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology72232-22361 January 2017
40Liquefaction Potential Assessment Based On Laboratory TestInternational Journal of GEOMATE112553-25571 January 2016
41Brief Report Of Shaking Table Test On Masonry Building Strengthened With Ferrocement LayersJournal of Disaster Research10551-5571 January 2015
42Assessing Building Vulnerability To Earthquake And Tsunami Hazard Using Remotely Sensed DataNatural Hazards6897-1141 August 2013
43Tsunami Mitigation Efforts With Pta In West Sumatra Province, IndonesiaJournal of Earthquake and Tsunami4341-3681 December 2010
44An Evaluation Of Infrastructure For Tsunami Evacuation In Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia9th US National and 10th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering 2010, Including Papers from t64917-49261 January 2010
Publikasi WoS
#JudulNama JurnalHalamanTahunDikutip
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Publikasi GS
#JudulNama JurnalDikutip
1Experimental Investigation Of Hollow Brick Unreinforced Masonry Building Retrofitted By Ferrocement LayersGEOMATE Journal 24 (102), 117-124, 20235
2Underwater Sensor Network Prototype For Tsunami Detection And Warning: A Long Deployment Journey Toward FunctionalityHazardous Seas: A Sociotechnical Framework for Early Tsunami Detection and …, 20230
3Community-based Shelters: Design, Construction, And ImplementationHazardous Seas: A Sociotechnical Framework for Early Tsunami Detection and …, 20230
4Device-to-device Communication: A Scalable, Socially Aware, Land-based Infrastructure To Support Community Resilience In Disaster EventsHazardous Seas: A Sociotechnical Framework for Early Tsunami Detection and …, 20231
5Wireless Networks For Disaster-degraded Contexts: Tsunami Evacuation In Padang, IndonesiaHazardous Seas: A Sociotechnical Framework for Early Tsunami Detection and …, 20230
6A Reliable, Timely Communication Application To Enhance Tsunami PreparednessHazardous Seas: A Sociotechnical Framework for Early Tsunami Detection and …, 20231
7Enabling Adaptive Collective Action For Communities At Risk: Responding To Tsunami Risk In Padang City, IndonesiaHazardous Seas: A Sociotechnical Framework for Early Tsunami Detection and …, 20230
8Study On The Behavior Of A Simple House Partially Retrofitted Using Ferrocement Layers Due To Earthquake LoadsInternational Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 20231
9Failure Plane On Precast Block Retaining WallCivil and Environmental Engineering 19 (1), 86-94, 20230
10The Pattern Of Material Supply Chain In Post-disaster Reconstruction: A Case Study In Indonesia’s Disaster-prone AreaIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1173 (1), 012056, 20231
11Assessing Public Knowledge Of Earthquake-resistant Building Construction Can Help Increase Community Resilience: A Literature StudyAIP Conference Proceeding 2599 (AIP Conference Proceedings 2599, 060007), 20230
12Optimization Of Dimension Gravity Walls And Cantilever WallsAIP Conference Proceedings 2599 (1), 20230
13Non-engineering House Damage After The February 25th, 2022 West Pasaman EarthquakeIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1244 (1), 012020, 20230
14Implementation Of A Quick Assessment Application Called Inarisk For Damaged Houses After The West Pasaman Earthquake (2022)IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1244 (1), 012041, 20230
15Sudut Sudut Kelongsoran Tanah Pasir Di Belakang Dinding Penahan Tanah SegmentalSiklus: Jurnal Teknik Sipil 9 (2), 164-175, 20230
16Experimental Study On The Retrofitting Of Damaged Hollow Brick Masonry Houses Using A Ferrocement LayerGEOMATE Journal 25 (111), 254-261, 20231
17Rapid Assessment Of The Public Buildings After The February 25th, 2022 West Pasaman EarthquakeE3S Web of Conferences 464, 03004, 20231
18Build Back Better And Stronger The 2022 Earthquake-damaged Houses In Talamau–pasaman Barat DistrictE3S Web of Conferences 464, 07006, 20230
19Bearing Capacity Analysis Of Floating Foundation Model In Homogeneous Very Soft ClayCivil and Environmental Engineering 19 (2), 758-771, 20230
20Optimal Cost Of Slope Stabilization With Retaining WallGEOMATE Journal 22 (93), 83-90, 20224
21A New Slip Surface In Noncohesive SlopesIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1212 (1), 012033, 20221
22Optimum Height Of The Retaining Gravity WallIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 708 (1), 012020, 20212
23Gradual Strengthening Of Existing Masonry Houses With Ferrocement BandagingPreprints, 20210
24Slip Surface In A Clay-sand Mixture Slope Test Using Scaled Laboratory ModelsGEOMATE Journal 21 (85), 17-23, 20210
25Stability Analysis Of Concrete Block Retaining Wall Based On A Scaled LaboratoryE3S Web of Conferences 331, 05013, 20213
26The Framing Of Decision Making Support Systems On Increasing Community Resilience In Disaster Risk Reduction Efforts: A Conceptual ApproachE3S Web of Conferences 331 (04012), 4, 20216
27Students Perception To Video Media For Vibration Theory Subject In Civil Engineering Department, Universitas AndalasThe 3rd International Conference on Educational Development and Quality …, 20210
28The Knowledge, Awareness And Attitudes Of Undergraduate Chiropractic Students Regarding The Coronavirus (covid-19) PandemicPQDT-Global, 20210
29Comparison Study On Damage Pattern Of Two Stories Building: Simulation Vs Field RecordGEOMATE Journal 18 (70), 37-42, 20200
30Accessibilty Analysis Of Tsunami Evacuation Route To Self Supported Shelter In Sub-district Pasie Nan Tigo, Padang CityE3S Web of Conferences 156, 04007, 20200
31Optimum Structural Design Of Self-supported Shelter For Tsunami Evacuation In Padang CityE3S Web of Conferences 156, 05013, 20201
32The Effect Of L-shaped Rc Shear Wall On Student Dormitory Building Of Andalas University, PadangindonesiaInternational Journal of GEOMATE 19 (73), 70-76, 20201
33A Simple And Safe Brick Masonry Infill Construction For High Seismic-prone AreaIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 933 (1), 012028, 20202
34Analysis Of Led Wire Bonding During Encapsulation ProcessIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1007 (1), 012173, 20201
35A Simple Method For Strengthening The Brick Masonry Infilled In The Reinforced Concrete Frame StructureGEOMATE Journal 18 (66), 118-123, 20208
36Sistem Manajement Evakuasi Pada Shelter Mandiri Di Kelurahan Pasie Nan TigoAndalas Civil Engineering (ACE) Conference 2019, 20200
37On Implementation Of An Approximating K-ary Gcd AlgorithmIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 862 (5), 052025, 20203
38The Effect Of Tsunami Loads On Pasar Raya Inpres Block Iii Building In Padang City Based On Fema P-646MATEC Web of Conferences 258, 03020, 20194
39Experimental Study For Evaluating The Seismic Performance Of Rc Frame Structure With Partially Infilled By Brick MasonryGEOMATE Journal 16 (57), 189-194, 20194
40Quick Assessment Procedures For Two Stories Building Based On Numerical Simulation ResultsGEOMATE Journal 17 (60), 105-109, 20194
41Seismic Retrofitting Analysis Using Concrete Jacketing And Shear Wall On Dental Hospital Building Of Andalas UniversityIOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 602 ((2019) 012108), 20197
42Environmentally Friendly Foundation For The Sustainability Development Of Infrastructures In Swamp AreaIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 615 (1), 012068, 20191
43Dinding Penahan Tanah SegmentalAndalas Civil Engineering (ACE) Conference 2018, 20191
44Desain Tuned Mass Damper Pada Jembatan Limpapeh Di Kota BukittinggiAndalas Civil Engineering (ACE) Conference 2018, 20190
45Experimental Study On Masonry Building Strengthened With Ferrocement LayersGEOMATE Journal 14 (45), 84-90, 201811
46Ferrocement-brick Sandwich Wall Applied To Non-engineered HousesGEOMATE Journal 14 (44), 47-51, 20184
47The Effects Of Steel Fibers Extracted From Waste Tyre On Concrete Containing Palm Oil Fuel AshGEOMATE Journal 14 (44), 142-148, 201814
48The Backup Recovery Strategy Selection To Maintain The Business Continuity PlanJASAT; 1 (1), 23~30, 20184
49A Comparison Of Retrofitting Methods On Nursing Faculty Building Of Andalas University With Concrete Jacketing And Shear Wall SystemsMATEC Web of Conferences 195, 02016, 20180
50On The Use Of A Simple Tuned Mass Damper Model For Reducing The Excessive Vibration Of Tsunami Evacuation Suspension FootbridgeMATEC Web of Conferences 229, 01013, 20180
51Local Wisdom Based Disaster Education In Minangkabau SocietyMATEC Web of Conferences 229, 04017, 20189
52The Role Of Universities In Indonesia Multi-hazard Early Warning SystemMATEC Web of Conferences 229, 02018, 20183
53Applied To Non-engineered HousesInternational Journal 14 (44), 47-513
54Analisis Risiko Dan Mitigasi Bencana Banjir Untuk Daerah Muara Labuh Dan SekitarnyaPIT5 IABI 20180
55Seismic Retrofitting Analysis Using Concrete Jacketing And Shear Wall On Rc Frame StructureConference on Innovation in Technology and Engineering Science 2018, 20180
56Analisis Perkuatan (retrofit) Gedung Kantor Gubernur Sumatera Barat Menggunakan Steel BracingAndalas Civil Engineering (ACE) Conference 2016, 20180
57Perbaikan Dan Perkuatan Bangunan Pasca Gempa Sumatara Barat Tahun 2009PIT5 IABI 20180
58Pengaruh Beban Tsunami Pada Bangunan Gedung Blok B Taman Budaya Yang Berlokasi Di Pinggir Pantai Padang Sumatra BaratPIT5 IABI 20180
59Building Assesment Kelayakan Struktur Gedung Kantor Cabang Bri Jalan Khatib Sulaiman No. 50 PadangAndalas Civil Engineering (ACE) Conference 2014, 20181
60Perkuatan Struktur Bangunan Mesjid Nurul Ilmi Menggunakan Metode JacketingAndalas Civil Engineering (ACE) Conference 2015, 20180
61帕登市海啸撤离的自支撑庇护所的最佳结构设计MATEC Web of Conferences 159, 02074, 20180
62The Influence Of Steel Fibers Extracted From Waste Tyre On Properties Of Concrete Containing Fly AshInternational Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …, 201718
63Pengaruh Current Ratio, Earning Per Share Dan Return On Asset Terhadap Harga Saham Pada Perusahaan Consumer Goods Indu...STIESIA SURABAYA0
64Pengaruh Current Ratio, Earning Per Share Dan Return On Asset Terhadap Harga Saham Pada Perusahaan Consumer Goods IndustrySTIESIA SURABAYA0
65The Influence Of Steel Fiber Extracted From Waste Tyre On Properties Of Concrete Containing Fly AshInternational Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information …6
66Analisa Kekuatan Struktur Dan Pounding Gedung Blok A Rsud Dr RasyidinAndalas Civil Engineering (ACE) Conference 2017, 20170
67Structural Evaluation Of Damaged Bri Branch Office Building At Jalan Khatib Sulaiman Padang Due To EarthquakeInt. J. of Civ. Eng. And Tech (IJCIET) 8, 1170-1180, 20171
68Liquefaction Potential Assessment Based On Laboratory TestGEOMATE Journal 11 (26), 2553-2557, 201619
69Retrofitting Of Stkip Adzkia Padang Building Using V-inverted Steel BracingApplied Mechanics and Materials 845, 283-289, 20160
70Structural Response And Pounding Of Andalas University Hospital Building Using New Indonesian Seismic Code Sni 1726-2012Applied Mechanics and Materials 845, 274-282, 20161
71Strengthening Of Nurul Ilmi Mosque With Concrete JacketingINSIST 1 (1), 25-29, 20162
72Perbedaan Efek Antibakteri Kapsul Minyak Bawang Putih (garlic Oil) Dan Kapsul Bubuk Bawang Putih (garlic Powder) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Staphylococcus Aureus Dan …Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas 5 (2)0
73Sistem Informasi Pengurusan Administrasi Kebutuhan Rumah Tangga Pada Sub Bagian Umum Dan PerlengkapanSkripsi 1 (531411057), 20160
74Studi Pengaruh Gempa Terhadap Variasi Panjang Tulangan Penyaluran Pada Sambungan Balok Dan Kolom TepiJurnal Rekayasa Sipil 5 (1), 45-56, 20152
75Brief Report Of Shaking Table Test On Masonry Building Strengthened With Ferrocement LayersJournal of Disaster Research 10 (3), 551-557, 201510
76Slope Stability Analysis Following Maninjau Landslide 2013SIBE-Conference ITB, 20131
77Assessing Building Vulnerability To Earthquake And Tsunami Hazard Using Remotely Sensed DataNatural hazards 68, 97-114, 201356
78Earthquake Damage Intensity Relationship For Residential Houses In West SumatraMakara Journal of Technology 16 (1), 14, 20122
79Pengaruh Penggunaan Seismic Base Isolation System Terhadap Respons Struktur Gedung Hotel Ibis Padang.Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil 8 (1), 45-60, 201221
80Sepat Barat Deep-2: The Deepest And Hottest Hpht Well In North Malay Basin (paper B5)Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM), 20120
81Sepat Barat Deep-2: The Deepest And Hottest Hpht Well In North Malay BasinPGCE 2012, cp-297-00020, 20123
82Identifikasi Kegagalan Struktur Dan Alternatif Perbaikan Serta Perkuatan Gedung Bpkp Provinsi Sumatera BaratJurnal Rekayasa Sipil 7 (2), 1-14, 20115
83Identifikasi Kegagalan, Alternatif Perbaikan Dan Perkuatan Pada Struktur Gedung Poltekes Siteba PadangJurnal Rekayasa Sipil 7 (1), 11-24, 20114
84Potential Tsunami Hazard And Risk Prediction To Human In The City Of Padang, IndonesiaDisaster management and Climate Change Conference, multi‐disciplinary hazard …, 20112
86Kerusakan Bangunan Hotel Bumi Minang Akibat Gempa Padang 30 September 2009Jurnal Teknik Sipil ITB 18 (2), 1-8, 20116
87Tsunami Mitigation Efforts With Pta In West Sumatra Province, IndonesiaJournal of Earthquake and Tsunami 4 (04), 341-368, 201030
88An Evaluation Of Infrastructure For Tsunami Evacuation In Padang, West Sumatra, IndonesiaProceedings of the 9th US National and 10th Canadian Conference on …, 20108
89Analisa Pengaruh Dinding Geser Pada Struktur Bangunan Hotel Bumi Minang Akibat Beban GempaJurnal Teknik Sipil 6 (1), 20100
90Analisa Kerusakan Struktur Bangunan Gedung ″a ″sman 10 Padang Akibat Gempa 30 September 2009Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil 6 (2), 31-40, 20107
91Pengaruh Variasi Jarak Sengkang Kolom Untuk Rumah Sederhana Terhadap Beban Gempa Di PadangJurnal Rekayasa Sipil 6 (2), 7-18, 20101
92Studi Pengaruh Pemasangan Angkur Dari Kolom Ke Dinding Bata Pada Rumah Sederhana Akibat Beban GempaJurnal Rekayasa Sipil 6 (1), 37-44, 20104
93Studi Kuat Tekan Beton Campuran 1: 2: 3 Berdasarkan Lokasi Pengambilan Agregat Di Sumatera BaratJurnal Rekayasa Sipil 5 (2), 1-12, 200912
94Risk And Vulnerability Assessment To Tsunami Hazard Using Very High Resolution Satellite Data: The Case Study Of Padang, IndonesiaEARSeL eProceedings 8 (1), 53, 20099
95Kerusakan Bangunan Hotel Bumi Minang Akibat Gempa Padang 30 September 2009Jurnal Teknik Sipil ITB 18 (2), 1-8, 20096
96Studi Pengaruh Gempa Terhadap Variasi Panjang Tulangan Penyaluran Pada Sambungan Balok Dan Kolom TepiJurnal Teknik Sipil 5 (1), 20091
97Assessment Of Building Vulnerability Due To Tsunami In Padang CityInternational Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Mitigation, 20080
98Risk And Vulnerability Assessment To Tsunami Hazard Using Very High Resolution Satellite Data-the Case Study Of Padang, Indonesia-24
99Multi-scale Assessment Of Population Distribution Utilizing Remotely Sensed Data-the Case Study Padang, West Sumatra, IndonesiaInternational Conference on Tsunami Warning, 9, 200812
100Studi Eksperimental Pengaruh Luas Tulangan Utama Pada Kolom Akibat Beban GempaJurnal Teknik Sipil 4 (2), 20080
101Gradual Strengthening Of Existing Masonry Houses With Ferrocement Bandaging In Indonesia For Educating The Common People To Be Self-reliant And Self-supportingJurnal Bangunan, Konstruksi & Desain 2 (2), 124-137, 20240
102Analytical Study On Seismic Behavior Of Urm Hollow Brick Houses Retrofitted Using Ferrocement LayersGEOMATE Journal 27 (120), 130-137, 20240
103Seismic Damage Assessment And Retrofitting Of A Hospital Building In West Pasaman, IndonesiaGEOMATE Journal 27 (120), 122-129, 20240
104WidayatunHandayani, T., Bustami, D, A., Daliyo., Fitranita., Nagib, L., Ngadi …, 20235
105Earthquake Safe Houses Training For Tsunami Preparedness In West SumatraInt. J. Adv. Sci. Eng. Inf. Technol 10 (1), 318-324, 20202
106Seismic Retrofitting Analysis Using Concrete Jacketing And Shear Wall On Dental Hospital Building Of Andalas University Iop Conf. SerMater. Sci 602, 012108, 20196
107Statement Of Peer ReviewMATEC Web of Conferences 215, 20180
#KategoriJudulPemegang Hak PatenTanggal PublikasiNomor Publikasi
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Riwayat Mengajar
#SemesterMatakuliahKelasSKSFakultasProgram Studi
1Genap 2023Rekayasa GempaTSI 62133 TS A2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
2Genap 2023Mekanika Rekayasa IIITSI 62118 TS A2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
3Genap 2023Mekanika GetaranTSI 62132 TS A2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
4Genap 2023Kebencanaan dan Pengurangan Resiko BencanaTSI-721 TS S33TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
5Genap 2023Etika ProfesiTEK 60102 TS E2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
6Ganjil 2023Pengetahuan Dasar KebencanaanTSI 61101 TS C2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
7Ganjil 2023Pengetahuan Dasar KebencanaanTSI 61101 TS B2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
8Ganjil 2023Mitigasi BencanaTSI-501 TS S2 (STRUKTUR)3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
9Ganjil 2023Kebencanaan dan Pengurangan Resiko BencanaTSI-721 TS S33TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
10Ganjil 2023Asesmen dan Perbaikan StrukturTSI 60203 TS STR2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
11Genap 2022Rekayasa GempaTSI 62133 TS C2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
12Genap 2022Mekanika Rekayasa IIITSI 62118 TS C2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
13Genap 2022Mekanika GetaranTSI 62132 TS A2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
14Genap 2022Kebencanaan dan Pengurangan Resiko BencanaTSI-721 TS S33TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
15Ganjil 2022Rekayasa GempaTSI 62133 TS D2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
16Ganjil 2022Pengetahuan Dasar KebencanaanTSI 61101 TS B2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
17Ganjil 2022Pengetahuan Dasar KebencanaanTSI 61101 TS A2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
18Ganjil 2022Mitigasi BencanaTSI-501 TS S2 (STRUKTUR)3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
19Ganjil 2022Asesmen dan Perbaikan StrukturTSI 60203 TS2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
20Genap 2021Perencanaan Struktur Bangunan TinggiTSI433 TS2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
21Genap 2021Pengetahuan Dasar KebencanaanTSI106 TS A2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
22Genap 2021Mekanika Rekayasa IIITSI224 TS D2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
23Genap 2021Kebencanaan dan Pengurangan Resiko BencanaTSI-721 (TS S3) Kebencanaan dan Pengurangan Resiko Bencana3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
24Ganjil 2021Teori GetaranTSI327 TS A2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
25Ganjil 2021Rekayasa GempaTSI427 TS D2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
26Ganjil 2021Rekayasa GempaTSI427 TS C2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
27Ganjil 2021Mitigasi BencanaTSI-501 S2 TS A (STRUKTUR)3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
28Ganjil 2021Mitigasi BencanaTSI-501 S2 TS A (RSA)3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
29Ganjil 2021Mitigasi BencanaTSI-501 S2 TS A (GEOTEKNIK)3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
30Genap 2020Perencanaan Struktur Bangunan TinggiTSI433 TS 2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
31Genap 2020Pengetahuan Dasar KebencanaanTSI106 TS C2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
32Genap 2020Mekanika Rekayasa IIITSI224 TS C2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
33Genap 2020Kebencanaan dan Pengurangan Resiko BencanaTSI 721 TS S33TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
34Ganjil 2020Teori GetaranTSI327 TS A2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
35Ganjil 2020Rekayasa GempaTSI427 TS B2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
36Ganjil 2020Rekayasa GempaTSI427 TS A2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
37Ganjil 2020Mitigasi BencanaTSI-501-TS-S2 A 3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
38Genap 2019Rekayasa Kegempaan GeoteknikTSI-627-TS-S23TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
39Genap 2019Perencanaan Struktur Bangunan TinggiTSI433 TS 2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
40Genap 2019Pengetahuan Dasar KebencanaanTSI106 TS C2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
41Genap 2019Mekanika Rekayasa IIITSI224 TS A2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
42Genap 2019Kolokium / Proposal DisertasiTSI-722-TS-S3 C3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
43Genap 2019Kebencanaan dan Pengurangan Resiko BencanaTSI-721-TS-S33TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
44Ganjil 2019Teori GetaranTSI327 TS B2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
45Ganjil 2019Teori GetaranTSI327 TS A2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
46Ganjil 2019Rekayasa GempaTSI427 TS D2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
47Ganjil 2019Rekayasa GempaTSI427 TS C2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
48Ganjil 2019Pra Penelitian / Literatur ReviewTSI-731-TS-S3-A2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
49Ganjil 2019Mitigasi BencanaTSI-501-TS-S2-A3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
50Ganjil 2019Asesmen dan Perbaikan Struktur Pasca BencanaTSI-615-TS-S23TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
51Genap 2018Rekayasa Kegempaan GeoteknikTSI-627-S2-TS3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
52Genap 2018Perencanaan Struktur Bangunan TinggiTSI433 TS2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
53Genap 2018Pengetahuan Dasar KebencanaanTSI106 TS D2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
54Genap 2018Pengetahuan Dasar KebencanaanTSI106 TS C2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
55Genap 2018Mekanika Rekayasa IIITSI224 TS C2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
56Genap 2018Kolokium / Proposal DisertasiTSI-722-TS-S3 B3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
57Genap 2018Kebencanaan dan Pengurangan Resiko BencanaTSI-721-TS-S3 3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
58Ganjil 2018Teori GetaranTSI327 TS B2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
59Ganjil 2018Teori GetaranTSI327 TS A2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
60Ganjil 2018Rekayasa GempaTSI427 TS D2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
61Ganjil 2018Rekayasa GempaTSI427 TS C2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
62Ganjil 2018Mitigasi BencanaTSI-501-TS-S2 B3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
63Ganjil 2018Mitigasi BencanaTSI-501-TS-S2 A3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
64Ganjil 2018Disain Struktur JembatanTSI-614-TS-S23TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
65Genap 2017Perencanaan Struktur Bangunan TinggiTSI433 TS2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
66Genap 2017Pengetahuan Dasar KebencanaanTSI106 TS C2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
67Genap 2017Pengetahuan Dasar KebencanaanTSI106 TS B2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
68Genap 2017Mekanika Rekayasa IIITSI224 TS A2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
69Ganjil 2017Teori GetaranTSI327 TS B2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
70Ganjil 2017Teori GetaranTSI327 TS A2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
71Ganjil 2017Spesial Topik di Rekayasa StrukturTSI 611 S2-TS-R3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
72Ganjil 2017Rekayasa GempaTSI427 TS D2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
73Ganjil 2017Rekayasa GempaTSI427 TS C2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
74Ganjil 2017Mitigasi BencanaTSI 654 S2-TS-R3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
75Genap 2016Perencanaan Struktur Bangunan TinggiTSI433 TS2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
76Genap 2016Pengetahuan Dasar KebencanaanTSI106 TS H2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
77Genap 2016Pengetahuan Dasar KebencanaanTSI106 TS B2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
78Genap 2016Mekanika Rekayasa IIITSI224 TS A2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
79Genap 2016Desain Struktur LanjutTSI 517 S2-TS-STR3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
80Ganjil 2016Teori GetaranTSI327 TS A2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
81Ganjil 2016Spesial Topik di Rekayasa StrukturTSI 611 S2-TS-STRUKTUR3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
82Ganjil 2016Spesial Topik di Rekayasa StrukturTSI 611 S2-TS-R3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
83Ganjil 2016Rekayasa GempaTSI427 TS B2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
84Ganjil 2016Rekayasa GempaTSI427 TS A2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
85Genap 2015Rekayasa GempaTSI 437 TS2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
86Genap 2015Perencanaan Struktur Bangunan TinggiTSI 433 TS2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
87Genap 2015Mekanika Rekayasa ITSI 122 TS A3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
88Ganjil 2015Teori GetaranTSI 427 TS A3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
89Ganjil 2015Spesial Topik di Rekayasa StrukturTSI 611 S2-TS-R3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
90Genap 2014Rekayasa Gempa TSI 437 TS2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
91Genap 2014Mekanika Rekayasa ITSI 122 TS E3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
92Ganjil 2014Metodologi PenelitianTSI 409 TS D2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
93Genap 2013Rekayasa GempaTSI 437 TS2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
94Ganjil 2013Special Topik di Rekayasa StrukturTSI 611 TS-S2-STRUKTUR3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
95Genap 2012Rekayasa GempaTSI 437 TS2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
96Ganjil 2012Teori GetaranTSI 427 TS C3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
97Ganjil 2012Metodologi PenelitianTSI 409 TS D2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
98Genap 2011Rekayasa GempaTSI 437 TS PIL REKAYASA STRUKTUR2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
99Ganjil 2011Perencanaan Proyek KonstruksiTSI 429 TS D2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
100Ganjil 2011Perencanaan Proyek KonstruksiTSI 429 TS B2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
101Genap 2010Struktur Beton PrategangTSI 435 TS PIL REKAYASA STRUKTUR2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
102Genap 2010Rekayasa GempaTSI 437 TS PIL REKAYASA STRUKTUR2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
103Genap 2010Perencanaan Struktur Bangunan TinggiTSI 433 TS PIL REKAYASA STRUKTUR2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
104Ganjil 2010Perencanaan Proyek KonstruksiTSI 427 TS GANJIL2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
105Genap 2009Perencanaan Struktur Bangunan TinggiTSI435 TS Struktur2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
106Ganjil 2009Teori GetaranTSI421 TS Reg Genap3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
107Ganjil 2009Teori GetaranTSI421 TS Mandiri Genap3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
108Ganjil 2009StatikaTSI221 TS Reg Ganjil3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
109Ganjil 2009StatikaTSI221 TS Mandiri Ganjil3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
110Ganjil 2009Rekayasa GempaTSI431 TS Struktur2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
111Genap 2008Perencanaan Struktur Bangunan TinggiTSI435 TS REG-MANDIRI2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
112Genap 2008Perencanaan Struktur Bangunan TinggiTSI435 TS REG2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
113Genap 2008Analisa Struktur IITSI322 TS REG-MANDIRI GANJIL3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
114Genap 2008Analisa Struktur IITSI322 TS REG GANJIL3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
115Ganjil 2008Teori GetaranGANJIL TS3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
116Ganjil 2008StatikaGenap TS3TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
117Ganjil 2008Mekanika TeknikTSI223 TL2TEKNIKTeknik Lingkungan
118Genap 2007Rekayasa GempaGanjil/Genap TS2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
119Ganjil 2007Rekayasa GempaGanjil/Genap TS2TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
120Genap 2006Perencanaan Struktur Bangunan TinggiTSI4352TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
121Genap 2005Perencanaan Struktur Bangunan TinggiTSI4352TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
122Ganjil 2005Teori GetaranTSI4213TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
123Ganjil 2005Konstruksi Beton ITSI3312TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
124Genap 2004Tugas AkhirTSI4906TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
125Genap 2004Teknik Penulisan dan PresentasiTSI3122TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
126Genap 2004Mekanika BahanTSI2223TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
127Ganjil 2004Analisa Struktur ITSI3213TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
128Genap 2003Perencanaan Struktur Bangunan TinggiTSI4352TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
129Genap 2003Mekanika BahanTSI2223TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
130Ganjil 2003StatikaTSI2213TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
131Ganjil 2003Rekayasa GempaTSI4312TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
132Ganjil 2003Analisa Struktur ITSI3213TEKNIKTeknik Sipil
133Ganjil 2002Analisa Struktur IITSI3223TEKNIKTeknik Sipil